
W. Bentley MacLeod is He is a micro-economist specializing in labor, organizational  economics and law and Economics.   See “Implicit Contracts, Incentive Compatibility, and Involuntary Unemployment: Thirty Years On, joint with James Malcomson for a review of his earlier research on relational contract theory.  He current research is focused upon understanding the economics of professionals, including work on judges with Elliott Ash, doctors with Janet Currie and police with Roman Rivera.

Bentley is Professor and Research Scholar at Princeton University (SPIA and Economics), Sami Mnaymneh Professor Emeritus of Economics, and Professor of International and Public Affairs Emeritus at Columbia University in the City of New York.  Past President (2021-2022), American Law and Economics Association, Past President of the Society of Institutional and Organizational Economics,  Fellow of the Econometric Society (elected 2005) and the Society of Labor Economists (elected 2012).  He is the recipient of the 2002 H. Gregg Lewis prize awarded by the Society of Labor Economists for his article "Worker Cooperation and the Ratchet" with H. Lorne Carmichael. His teaching career began with a two year stint teaching mathematics and physics at Okundi Secondary School in Nigeria, an experience that led to his interest in economics in order to understand the large variations in national economic performance. After completing his PhD in economics, he has taught at Queen's University, Université de Montréal, Boston College, University of Southern California, California Institute of Technology and a year at Princeton University, Columbia University, before coming to Princeton University. He has held one year visiting positions at CORE, Belgium, IAE, Barcelona, Russell Sage Foundation, Princeton University, the California Institute of Technology and The Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, NJ. He was Program Director for Personnel and Behavioral Economics, IZA, Bonn 2003-2007. 

Bentley holds a B.A. (with distinction) and an M.Sc. in mathematics from Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and a Ph.D. in economics from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Curriculum Vitae

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